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At Reaper’s Revenge, operational safety and cleanliness have always been a top priority and continues to be so in 2020. We care deeply about our family of employees, customers, and greater community during this COVID,19 pandemic. We recognize that customers and staff put their trust in Reaper’s Revenge to provide a scary and fun experience. They also trust that we have taken measures to ensure their absolute safety. This commitment has not changed, and the following pages outline the steps we are taking to ensure additional cleanliness and safety. In developing this plan, we continue to closely monitor government policy changes, Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines, government mandates, and public health advancements and will make any and all necessary changes if the COVID,19 infection rates should change. This plan has been developed with research and consultation with local, national, and international personnel of other similar attractions and theme parks. While we recognize this plan meets, and often exceeds local guidelines, it’s meant to guide our customers and staff and give them the reassurance that we are committed to keeping our employees, loyal customers and our community safe during the 2020 fall season. It relies on the best available science on sanitation methods and infectious disease mitigation and will be continuously updated, as new information is released. Additionally, updated CDC measures of how businesses operate, mitigate and respond to COVID,19 will be followed as outlined in future released publications. We know the entertainment industry, and certainly haunted attractions, are feeling concerned about our staff and customers safety. We hope this plan adds clarity and direction for staying safe while visiting Reaper’s Revenge Haunted Hayride and Attractions.


Capacity Limits  – Outlining what steps have been taken to ensure the overall capacity does not exceed allowable limits and how social distancing will be achieved at Reaper’s Revenge. Wagon sizes and how distancing will be accomplished from parking and throughout the attractions while on the property.

Guest Information  – Identifying the appropriate information to be provided to guests to stay home if sick or part of a vulnerable population, engage in social distancing, increase hand washing, wear masks while on-site, etc.

Employee Screening – Identifying measures to be taken to appropriately screen staff and volunteers for COVID-19 symptoms. Screening questions and Temperature readings prior to access to any of the staff or open attraction areas.

Social Distancing Measures – Identifying measures to be employed to ensure attendees engage in social distancing.

Increased Sanitation – Outlining steps to be taken to ensure the event space is appropriately cleaned and sanitized, that high touch areas have increased cleaning, and that additional hand washing or hand sanitizing is available.

Compliance – Identifying event staff who will be available to provide sufficient coverage to monitor and ensure compliance with the approved plan by Executive Order Directives provided by the government and public health department while at Reaper’s Revenge.

High Traffic Sanitized Regularly

Changes will be made inside the attraction to reduce if not completely eliminate guest contact with actors, props or scenery. All hanging fabric, inflated squeeze walls, etc. will be removed. Doors that guest must push through will either be propped open or sanitized frequently. Handrails and any other areas where guests may touch will be sanitized frequently by the cast members and our Decon Team.

Hand Sanitizer Stations

Hand sanitizer stations will be located at the main entrance of the haunt, at the entrances and exits of each attraction, at all restroom locations and throughout the commerce area. RR Decon Team will also be checking those stations throughout the evening to ensure they are serviced as needed.

Temperature Taken prior to Access

There will be a single point of entry where a number of things will happen before Employees / guests are able to enter. They will be screened for temperature using infrared contact free thermometers. Any employee or guest with a fever will be denied entry. Face coverings which cover the nose and mouth, must be worn by all persons while on the premises. No Exceptions. Employees and guests will also be checked for face coverings. Face coverings will be available for purchase by any guests who have not brought one. No one will be allowed entry without a face covering.

Employees, Vendors, and Actors (EVA)

• Train EVA on all safety protocols. Train staff to recognize Signs and Symptoms.
• Cautionary measures: All EVA will watch for signs / concerns / use caution to reduce possible contamination.
• All EVA will be required to wear masks; however, to ensure equal employment opportunities to qualified individuals with a disability, RR will make reasonable accommodations related to the mask requirement, unless undue hardship to the operation of the business would result.
• All EVA must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer on a regular basis throughout their shift.
• Pump bottles or hand sanitizers will be provided at all EVA stations.
• All EVA will receive a temperature check prior to starting work. All vendors and EMT’s are required to temperature check their employees and must report findings to management. If over 100.4 F, persons will not be allowed entry to the property. Symptom and travel questions will also be asked. Temperature, symptom and travel answers will be logged. Signage reminding staff that if they have symptoms, they must go home and cannot work. All EVA will use social distancing.
• EVA shall never joke, make light of or give their opinion with other EVA or Customers about COVID-19.
• Any at risk EVA should not work until there is a vaccine or until it is deemed safe to do so.
• All Front of House personal protective equipment (PPE) to include mask, face shield or goggles, and gloves, depending on positions as defined in job descriptions.
• Limit unnecessary travel: Ensuring management and above will not be required to attend shows, or attend other attractions at least 20 days before show operating dates.
• Communication Systems – Encourage EVA and attendees to self-report to event officials or a COVID-19 point of contact if they have symptoms of COVID-19, a positive test for COVID-19, or were exposed to someone with COVID-19 within the last 14 days, in accordance with health information sharing regulations for COVID-19.
• Monitor absenteeism of EVA, cross – train staff, and create a roster of trained back-up staff / Plan.
• Develop policies for return-to-work and event facilities after an EVA has recovered from or tested negative following a confirmed diagnosis of or exposure to COVID-19. CDC’s criteria to discontinue home isolation and quarantine can inform these policies.
• Immediately separate EVA and attendees with COVID-19 symptoms (e.g., fever, cough, shortness of breath) at the event. Individuals who are sick should go home or to a healthcare facility, depending on how severe their symptoms are, and follow CDC guidance for caring for themselves.
• Individuals who have had close contact with a person who has symptoms should be separated, sent home, and advised to follow CDC guidance for community-related exposure. If symptoms develop, individuals should follow CDC guidance for caring for themselves.
• Work with local officials, and healthcare providers to identify an isolation area to separate anyone who has COVID-like symptoms or who has tested positive but does not have symptoms. Event healthcare providers should use Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions when caring for sick people.
• Clean / Disinfect/ Close  off areas used by a sick person and do not use these areas until after cleaning and disinfecting them (for outdoor areas, this includes surfaces or shared objects in the area, if applicable). Ensure safe / correct use / storage of disinfection products, including storing them securely away from children.
• In accordance with state and local laws and regulations, event planners should notify local health officials, staff, and attendees of any case of COVID-19 while maintaining confidentiality in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable laws and regulations.
• Advise those who have had close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 to stay home, self-monitor for symptoms, and follow CDC guidance if symptoms develop.

Customer / Actor Concepts

• All customers must wear face masks at all time.  If a customer cannot wear a face mask due to a medical condition or disability, the customer should contact RR in advance of arrival for direction on alternative arrangements. Limited exceptions due only to medical conditions or disability. Hand pump hand sanitizer stations will be setup at sufficiently designated locations throughout the venue including the exit of each attraction.
• Signs in queue lines requesting that customers maintain appropriate social distancing at all times. Safety monitors will be placed throughout the cue lines to ensure that customers are maintaining social distance between family units/groups.
• Queues will be widened, or additional space queues will be added to ensure separation of guests.
• Advise attendees through marketing, website and social media,  prior to the event that they should not attend if they have symptoms of, a positive test for, or recent exposure (within 14 days) to COVID-19.
• Actors must follow new acting protocols.
• Actors must never speak, scare, or scream within close proximity or directly in a customers’ face.
• Actors must never touch a customer or come within the designated distance of the customer in their scare area.
• Actors must never scare a customer without their designated mask/protective gear.
• Actors may not touch, shake hands, high five, embrace, or any have any type of bodily contact with each other.
• Actors are expected to wear a mask prior to and after putting on their show mask.
• There will be no scripting that is themed, joked about, or made light of COVID-19.
• Restricting people in the costume room will encourage spacing limitations / managed by the costuming managers.
• Ensuring 6’ spacing for staff on property.
• No sharing/exchanging costumes / masks: Staff shall not be allowed to change costumes/characters / masks in-show, ensuring less cross contamination. Nightly cleaning and disinfecting of masks, face shields, goggles and costumes will be conducted via washing, wiping, and/or use of disinfecting foggers, following CDC cleaning guidelines and sanitation solution / mixture.
• Nightly Sanitizing of all company equipment used by staff including radios and touch pads. Sanitation – Expanded Details and Methods: Throughout the entire property, back of house and front of house, 1000 ppm bleach water solution or similar will be used for all sanitizing purposes. The solution will be created per the 1/3 Cup to 1 Gallon of water ratio, and will be discarded at the end of each operating night to ensure its efficiency within the 24-hour period. Testing strips will be used to test strength after creation. Spray bottles, wiping rags, soaked paper towels, etc. will be utilized methods. In addition, hand sanitizer pump stations will be placed throughout the back of house areas for all actors to use throughout the night. Personal supply of hand sanitizer will be delivered to each actor.

Ticketing / Signage / Security / Parking Concepts

• Limiting on-property person capacity to enable adequate distancing at all times:
• Parking lot B shall not be utilized. Limiting number of parking spaces to main lot.
• Protective material should be placed between ticket booth personnel and guests.
• Hand sanitizers installed in box office.
• Cash handling areas will have Plexi-glass to protect personnel / customers.
• RR will post highly visible signs that promote everyday protective measures and describe how to stop the spread of germs by properly washing hands and properly wearing a cloth face covering.
• Orientation video for behaviors that prevent spread of COVID-19 when communicating with staff, vendors, and attendees.
• Security staff will be properly trained about the new COVID-19 procedures.
• Security will be the only staff members to enforce the social distancing guidelines with the customers.
• Security checkpoint to include Hand sanitizers / social distancing measures.
• Security shall release limited number of customers to orientation for video presentation of the rules.
• Employees screened at security checkpoint, COVID-19 questions asked / Temperature scan performed.
• Security staff will be increased to control social distancing / cue line controls.
• Parking staff personnel will be in face masks.
• Customers will be instructed that masks must be worn at all times.
• Parking staff will ask if everyone in this car has a mask, and if not masks must be purchased at security check point ($1 for one time use masks).
• Signs indicating all patrons wear face mask protection at all times.
• Hand sanitizer stations located at main entrance, mounted on stands / throughout the grounds.
• Radios / communication devices would need to be cleaned daily.  Radios will be distributed to persons for individual use and are not to be shared. On person will be responsible for distribution of radios.

Facility / Venue Concepts

• Signage should be placed throughout the venue reinforcing recommended procedures to help stop the spread of COVID-19. These signs enforce the wearing of masks, frequent hand washing / sanitizing, and social distancing.
• COVID-19 release waiver signs: “You are responsible for following current COVID-19 rules and will hold this venue harmless if you contract the virus”.
• Maintain distancing guidelines of all groups: Queue line markings indicating 6’ distances from other groups, every-other queue line will be used to ensure additional spacing, safety staff and PSA broadcasts to remind groups to remain distanced between them and others that are not part of their household. Outdoor queuing only-no indoor waiting spaces will be utilized by RR this season. Staff inside attractions should be monitoring customers to ensure they are in compliance with distancing measures. Customers / Groups not in compliance and/or after two reminders will be asked to leave and / or escorted off property.
• Increased cleaning of all surfaces (handrails, doors, restrooms, etc.) RR Decon Team will be handling all cleaning and sanitizing. All surfaces throughout the night shall be cleaned regularly. Additionally, other staff shall be periodically cleaning their specific areas/rooms back of house and inside the attraction.
• Hand sanitizing stations will be available at the property entrance, queue space, and exit of the attraction.
• Maintain signage to remind individuals to abide by distancing guidelines: Printed signage and/or banners. Projections at the customer orientation location and the Hayride que line shall provide detailed video of instructions for safety and protocol for customers to see. Additional symptoms posters will be posted for staff, indicating they can’t work if they have symptoms. Additional security staff and safety monitors shall be available in all queue areas and remind/escalate customers who may not be in compliance of physical distancing outside of their family/household group.
• Reduced number of actors: To ensure safety, while decreasing possibilities of contamination, we will reduce the number of actors in our attraction.

Attraction / Concession Concepts

Haunted Hayride
• Reduction of number of guests per wagon.
• Each wagon shall be sanitized between each group.
• Hand rails will be wiped down before and after groups load onto or off of the wagon.
• Hay will be disinfected after each group.
Outdoor Attractions
• Reduce touch points.
• Reduce the number of guests in the attraction in order to limit the ability of guests to catch up to other groups.
• The Lost Carnival spacing of no more than 6 persons per group / timed for proper social distancing.
• Sanitize stations at Load area / Security trailer / Delirium entrance / Reload / Unload / Commerce.
Indoor Attractions
• Reduce touch points such as door flaps and inflatable claustrophobia walls.
• Reduce the number of guests in the attraction in order to limit the ability of guests to catch up to other groups. Delirium attraction to have the same spacing / timing for social distancing as the Lost Carnival.
• Increase the lighting to reduce the need for customers to “feel” their way through.  This will also increase the flow and reduce the issue of groups catching up to each other.
Food and Beverages (F&B) / Concessions
• All employees will be required to wear face masks and increase hand washing practices.
• All high-touch point surfaces will receive increased sanitation.
• Running water and soap or hand sanitizer will be provided at every F&B location.
• All concession areas will use a menu board, guests’ phone, or paper/disposable menus only.
• All employees will receive a temperature checks prior to shift (temps above 100.4 F must not enter premises).
• All employees with flu-like symptoms must stay home.
• Doors will be wiped regularly. All staff must wear gloves. Enhanced sanitation in eating areas.
• Seated tables will be six feet apart.  Number of guests per table will be limited. Table/bonfire bench times will be limited to 15 minutes for consumption of food and beverages.
• All condiments should be in individual packets or containers and will be provided at time of pick up.  No self-service of food, condiments, or paper products.
• Follow all SERVE SAFE standards. No cup refills should be permitted. Disposable utensils / dishes will be used.
• Staff should wash their hands after removing their gloves / after directly handling used food service items.
• No self-serve food or drink options. Pre-packaged boxes or bags will be used when possible.

Sanitation / Restroom Concepts

• STAFF AREAS: During operating nights, all back of house staff and actors will have ample access to hand sanitizer in their assigned areas throughout the entire property for ease and convenience.
• Costume Room: All costuming artists will follow the Governor’s guidelines for masks, distancing, gloves, face shield or goggle PPE, and guidance during and between each actor. The entire costuming station (counters, chair, etc.) will be wiped down with a sanitizer solution-soaked paper towel, and discarded. Gloves will be changed between each actor.  No sharing of makeup or brush makeup is allowed. We recommend contact-less makeup applications only. -Back stage offices, spaces, door knobs, etc. Staff members will be assigned for all back of house / back stage areas. These will all be sanitized and cleaned regularly.
• Staff hand washing stations: All staff will have access to restrooms with sinks for hand washing and/or hand sanitizer locations. These faucets (and the entire bathroom) will be sanitized regularly.
• It is recommended to create a sanitation team to head and oversee all COVID-19 procedures.
• Sanitizing / Disinfecting high-touch point areas will be done throughout the evening / deep cleaning done daily.
• Costumes / Uniforms must be sanitized and/or washed after each use.
• Actor’s masks must be sanitized after each use.
Portable Restrooms
• Restroom Staff will specifically be designated for sanitizing and cleaning all units with a goal of constant and consistent sanitation and cleaning throughout the night. This includes all customer and staff units. Cleaning will consist of all door handles, seat and hand sanitizer pump handle.
• Occupancy of all restrooms will be reduced to 50%.
• Multiple hand wash stations and/or hand sanitizers located by rest rooms
• Signage should be placed at all restroom locations reinforcing social distancing, occupancy adjustments for the restrooms and proper hand washing.

Pennsylvania Act No. 1994-58, requires that all patrons must obey all warnings and directions, and must behave in a manner that will not cause or contribute to injury or illness to themselves or others. Failure to comply is cause for dismissal from the park without refund.


460 Green Grove Road
Scranton, PA 18447

Ph: (570) 254-8038


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